Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Vacation beckons!

Sunset on Captiva Beach 2010

I cannot wait! Seriously. I'm getting antsy already! I get to go to Florida in a little over 3 weeks and spend a wonderful time relaxing on the beach with my hubby AND my bestie! What could be better?? Seriously. So just to taunt you, I'm showing off where I get to be. Yes, I need a new swimsuit cause alas, the old one- let's just say it's not happening. And I need sunblock, cause I'm as white as white can be! But I am excited!

See, this is what I am talking about. Live life. I seriously don't know how I'm going to get to the third floor condo and back every day- or how I'm going to stroll the beach (likely, it'll be a beach chair for me and a piggy-back ride from my hubby), but I'm doing it! Don't let "stuff" get in the way of fun time with your hubby. Seriously, this is what makes marriage fun and if you aren't having any fun together, FIX IT!

Well, welcome to my new blog!

I know many of you out there deal with some of the things I do- being a godly wife, mothering your children, home schooling, cooking healthy meals for your family and perhaps even dealing with a debilitating illness/disease. How do you do all the things you want to do and still take care of yourself?

I guess this week's post is about time management and life management.  In my pre-"disabled" state (prior to my transverse myelitis "attack" in October which has seriously reduced my mobility), I was one to go everywhere, all the time, always on the go.  Everything that could be done by me would be done by me. Cook the meals- check. Do the laundry- check. Clean the house- check. Educate the children-check. Drive them all to various sports- check. Lead Sunday worship EVER SINGLE WEEK- check. Oh, and if that isn't enough, let's sell Pampered Chef- check. check. check.

Well, after losing the ability to do too much in one day, I have learned one very important lesson. Not everything must be done and not everything must be done by you. It's a simple as that. We as moms must learn to say no. We must learn to delegate to our kids and husbands. They are capable and able and we aren't going to enter sainthood because we became martyrs to the household tasks we take on.  If the floors don't get mopped today you will live. Your family will live and perhaps their immune systems will even thank you! They are saying now that excessive cleanliness causes sick kids later in life. Maybe that's why my kids are so healthy! I jest, but really- stop keeping up with the Jones'. They WIN! PERIOD. End it and be done with it and live your life. If you really must have it done, learn to ask for help. Your kids can learn to do it, and even if it's not done as well as you like, it will at least be better than it was, right?

The next thing I am learning (because seriously I still forget every. single. day.) is that we have to Sllllllooooooowwwww ddddoooooowwwwnnnnnnn and enjoy life. Pick the things you love and do them and do them with gusto! The things which you don't love, maybe you can skip them. I'm not saying check out of anything that is difficult bur rather weigh how you spend your time. It may be that lots of things which don't really matter much to you are sucking you dry of energy. Place it where it matters- with your family, your faith, and with the things you love.

With that said- Live a little! Have fun! Travel! See the world! Read to your kids! Snuggle your honey! Every day is a gift. How will you spend yours? I hope you spend it wisely.